Jumat, 07 September 2012

Coffee spilled in car... did I do the right thing?

discount coffee supplies

I’m an employee at a restaraunt that serves coffee. For 7 hours a day, I serve coffee to customers, in addition to making breakfast sandwiches, giving them donuts, etc…

At the end of my shift, I made a coffee to bring home to someone. I paid for it (I got an employee discount…. 10% (I think is ridiculous anyway; I used to work at an office supply store and get 30% off… one hundred dollars off a laptop as opposed to 10 cents off for a coffee…. right…)), no problem so far.

Today, I was driving with an extra large coffee in my cupholder. I took a turn to leave the restaraunt parking lot, and the coffee spills all over my car’s upholstery. There could have been someone in my passenger seat that the coffee could have burned. It also stained my upholstery. And this is a borrowed car. I am probably losing privalleges of the car as a result of this…

Anyway, I didn’t care, really, of course, the coffee wasn’t mine, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t come home empty handed. Employees drink free coffee from the store all the time. Its no sweat off of the manager’s back to hand over a free one. But I didn’t even want this. When I requested another coffee, the manager argued, “You think its our fault that you spilled your coffee?” And when I offered to pay, he continued to tell me “Its your fault”. I told him, “Thats alright, I don’t want another one.” And he told me to “Go. Leave.”

Now I’m highly upset. I called the corporate office and filed a formal complaint. During my 1 month working here, I never thought it was this possible to be treated this nasty on a job. Never has a manager been this disgustingly rude to me. Did I do the right thing?
Nope. Not his car.
discount coffee supplies.

Raffi Doumanian:was the car that u were driving his? if not, u did the right thing doubtlessly!

Christopher Stone:Dude, suck it up. It is a cup of coffee and do you want to catch hell over it?

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